Winter Square Dances at the Grange

Winter Square Dances at the Grange

Mark your calendars for a fun upcoming series of three Winter Square Dances taking place at the Grange with a caller and live music! Dances will be held on Saturday evenings between 7:30 to 9:30 on January 25th, February 22nd and March 15th. Organized by Mud City Old-Time Society, admission is $10 to $15 on a sliding scale and free for kids under 10. Bring snacks or drinks to share.

Tunes for the January 25th dance will be provided by Humbug Mountain String Band with Melissa Takush (and maybe a few special guests) calling. Old-time community square dancing is taught by the caller, so you don’t need any experience, special clothing or even a partner. This event is for all ages and abilities, and features gender-free calls.

We have had generous support from Bubbaville up in Portland to help us continue a series of dances that were so fun at the WOW hall! If you can’t make it this time but value the dances in the community, consider making a donation in any amount to help support the musicians, callers and the venue who have been very generous in sharing their space with us! Make your donation here. You can also help by spreading the word and bringing some friends and family! We can’t wait to see you there!

Yoga at Wildwood Community Center

Guided Yoga for all bodies and skill levels takes place at the Wildwood Community Center at 85780 McBeth Road on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and Sundays from 10 to 11 a.m. Donations are accepted. Visit Iris on Facebook for more info.

What is the Grange?

The Grange is a grassroots, non-partisan, non-sectarian, fraternal organization with its roots in agriculture. Although the Grange was originally an organization of farmers, it has evolved to include people from all walks of life who have a common goal to make our world a better place to live.

Spencer Creek Grange in Eugene, Oregon

Established June 11th, 1936

The members of the Spencer Creek Grange are your neighbors, and include families who have lived here for generations as well as newcomers to the area. A shared love of agriculture, the natural world, and rural society unites us. Attend one of our events or join us at one of our monthly meetings… a friendly welcome awaits you!


Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. You’re also invited to attend one of our Community Potlucks, an informal gathering during which you’ll have an opportunity to eat scrumptious food, hear informative presentations by guest speakers and catch up with what’s new in your community. The potlucks take place once every three months and begin at 6:00 p.m.

Activities and Events

The Grange has become the venue for a growing number of fun and informative events. These include the Spencer Creek Community Growers’ Market, our annual Verry Berry Pancake Breakfast, our popular Barn Dance series and our famous Annual Chicken BBQ, celebrating it’s 41st year in 2025!

Contact Us

We can be reached by email or you can write to:

Spencer Creek Grange No. 855

PO Box 25425

Eugene, OR 97402

Messages may be left on our message line at (541) 485-8162

The Spencer Creek Grange Hall is located at 86013 Lorane Highway at the corner of McBeth Road in Eugene. To learn how to get to the Grange, you can use this Google Maps link.